
The Many Types of Construction Contractor

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The Many Types of Construction Contractor

Yo! Welcome to this new blog. Last year, I decided to fix up my home. I had lived in this place for the past 20 years and since I moved in, I haven't really done a thing to it. I decided to do something about it when I arrived home one day and saw how terrible my house looked compared to my neighbour's places. I called in a range of different contractors to replace the roof, repair the walls and paint the interior. I was really pleased with the results and I picked up a lot useful tips which I would like to share with you.

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Planning for a Second floor extension

Extensions are regularly carried out in many Australian homes. You may be expecting a larger family in the future, need more space for your current home, or want to add resale value to your property. Whatever the reason, incorporating a second floor extension is a great way of achieving the extra space without moving out of your current neighborhood. Adding a second floor extension can be cheaper than building or purchasing a new home. In fact, if you follow certain strategic expansion methods, you could greatly save on the cost and inconvenience of home adjustments. It is therefore important to know what the entire process of home extensions entails before you dive into this area.  

 Options for a second floor extension There are typically 3 main ways in which you can extend your home.

  • Tear off the roof and redesign the upper level in your preferred manner
  • Sever the edges of your home temporarily and lift the new extension to the second floor only after it is complete
  • Extend the new second story over your garage or other first floor space, without interfering with the main part of your home.

In all 3 methods, the existing foundation of your home will need to be checked for stability. If you're simply adding extra rooms to your second floor, the process will be less involving and less costly.

Redesigning an entirely new floor is also a great way of obtaining a fresh new look to your home, but it can be expensive. You can however save on costs by reusing your existing floor. A crane can simply lift off your existing roof in sections, and replace them in strategic areas.  

You also have the option of designing the new extension at a separate location, then installing it on top of your garage or other first floor space. This is becoming a popular technique for second floor extensions, because it poses the least inconvenience to both your family and your neighbors. When choosing this option, make sure the extension will be compatible with electrical and plumbing systems within your home. Choosing the right contractor is key for this process.

Get the right contractor for the job

When deciding which process is best for your second floor extension, you should engage the services of a high quality contractor. An experienced contractor can help you design a floor plan and a strategy that causes minimum inconvenience and costs to your home. The contractor should also be properly insured so that any accidents arising during the project can be compensated.