
The Many Types of Construction Contractor

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The Many Types of Construction Contractor

Yo! Welcome to this new blog. Last year, I decided to fix up my home. I had lived in this place for the past 20 years and since I moved in, I haven't really done a thing to it. I decided to do something about it when I arrived home one day and saw how terrible my house looked compared to my neighbour's places. I called in a range of different contractors to replace the roof, repair the walls and paint the interior. I was really pleased with the results and I picked up a lot useful tips which I would like to share with you.

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The Classes of Civil Engineering You Should Be Aware of

While most may equate civil engineering with big cash and excess mathematics, it falls far from that stereotype. This is because civil engineering is entirely about imagination, design and implementation. By job definition, the task of civil engineers involves developing, operating, building, maintaining and supervising the construction of both public and private sector projects. They are well known for massive projects such as airports, bridges, sewage treatment plants, water supplies among others. This now looks more interesting and involving when compared to the childish stereotype. The field is divided further into areas of concentration which feature divisions such as surveying, construction and structural engineering.

  1. Surveying – Surveying represents a very significant segment under civil engineering. This is because surveyors have to be included in every big project. This includes the planning and design processes to come up with the necessary measurements required for implementation. Such measurements are used in the final construction of dams, roads and tunnels. Any project under construction is usually based upon the lines and points established by the surveyors.
  2. Structural Engineering – The second class under civil engineering is comprised of the structural engineers whose task is to provide the structural analysis and design of buildings and structures. They develop the entire design for the construction engineers to follow during the implementation of a project. Their sole responsibility is to come up with designs which can withstand any stress, excessive loads or forces that may threaten the stability of the structure. The designs engineered have to comply with all the safety regulations required while at the same time meeting the specifications of the project. In the development of the structure, the engineers must put in mind the various natural and environmental factors which might influence the design and stability of the structure.
  3. Construction Engineering – This branch of civil engineering is associated with the planning, construction as well as the maintenance of structures after construction. Such engineers are involved in the implementation as well as the execution of designs from other civil engineer classes like the transportation, environmental and structural engineers. Their primary task is to ensure that the plans outlaid by the other engineers are well implemented according to the given specifications. The construction engineers supervise the field work throughout the whole project acting as a bridge between the other engineers and the project manager. They are also responsible for handling whatsoever problems which arise in the duration of the project.