
The Many Types of Construction Contractor

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The Many Types of Construction Contractor

Yo! Welcome to this new blog. Last year, I decided to fix up my home. I had lived in this place for the past 20 years and since I moved in, I haven't really done a thing to it. I decided to do something about it when I arrived home one day and saw how terrible my house looked compared to my neighbour's places. I called in a range of different contractors to replace the roof, repair the walls and paint the interior. I was really pleased with the results and I picked up a lot useful tips which I would like to share with you.

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3 Reasons Why Home-Buyers Should Never Withhold On A Property Survey

If land surveying is a very critical aspect to finding out the condition of a property; then, why do most home-buyers skimp on it? Having a land surveyor at your disposal before buying a property can save you a lot of unforeseen problems in the future. Even if you are buying the home through a mortgage lender, the lender's valuation should not be final because it might fail to identify hidden issues regarding the condition of the property and its real market value. Here are the top three reasons why surveying a property before purchase is of utmost importance to first-time buyers.

Resolution of Property Boundaries Issues -- Even the friendliest of neighbours get uncomfortable when contentious issues of property borders arise. Buying a property is a worthwhile investment that should make every inch of the asset count. For example, if you plan to rip out an old wooden fence and erect a new concrete one, you need to know where your property line starts and ends. Property line disputes are probable since most first-time home buyers don't conduct land surveys before purchase. Besides, you do not want to incur the cost of demolishing and rebuilding the fence when you discover, at a future date, that the wall has encroached on your neighbour's land. A land survey, therefore, to some extent, enhances the spirit of good neighbourliness.     

Negotiation and Value for Money -- Buying a home is similar to purchasing any other item – it is a game of bargaining and negotiation. If you want to beat the seller at their own game, then you should have the edge on them. A property survey gives you this edge, which raises your bargaining power. For example, if you find glaring concerns with a property such as a fence that has gone over the property line, you might use this fact to convince the owner to accept your offer. Moreover, if the property has some defects such as a missing corner, the surveyor will flag them and capture the same in a report that you might use as a bargaining chip. The information obtained will be of value when you have to walk out of a deal if the home does not conform to your standards.

Easements -- First-time home buyers might find the idea of easements hard to swallow. How can you pay top dollar for a prime piece of property only to grant some rights to its use to another entity? Easements might come in different forms such as ensuring that your neighbour has access to their property through yours, which is legal if your property provides access to a pathway or driveway. Further, utility lines such as water, sewer, and power might pass through the land, and thus, they may need you to allow utility companies to do maintenance via your property. A land surveyor will identify if there are existing easements or any limitations to future development.